San Francisco Foot & Ankle Ctr, 165 Rowland Way # 206, Novato, CA, 94945-5055, podiatrists

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San Francisco Foot & Ankle Ctr

Company Name: San Francisco Foot & Ankle Ctr
Status: Active
State: California
Post: 94945-5055
County: Marin
City: Novato
Address: 165 Rowland Way # 206
Phone: (415)898-9818
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Fred D Youngswick
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 804301 Industry group: Health Services, Business category: Offices & Clinics Of Podiatrists, Subcategory: Podiatrists
Employees: 3
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 306,000
Overall: San Francisco Foot & Ankle Ctr is a business categorized under offices & clinics of podiatrists, which is part of the larger category health services. San Francisco Foot & Ankle Ctr is located at the address 165 Rowland Way # 206 in Novato, California 94945-5055. The Owner is Fred D Youngswick who can be contacted at (415)898-9818.
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